Saturday February 8 2020 - click on link above for details
Everyone is Somebody
As artists, we draw from life as it offers an opportunity to look closely at bodies as part of the creative process, informing our observation and approach to other areas of our creativity. Drawing the natural human form in all its variety can help people appreciate their own wonderful uniqueness and accept themselves the way they are. At times in the work the figure and its expression is central. Rebecca often returns to the same image, she repeatedly photocopies, erases and traces. Rachel celebrates the form and flow of line in her drawings. Rebecca and Rachel have made images of their own bodies as moments of experience, this transcendent is about transformation, finding the evolving self in the exploration of the physical world by interacting with it in a form of visual dialogue which however involves phenomenological experience.
We have life drawings to show and sell. We thought we would offer a selection of these drawings to our LGBT+ community and allies at affordable prices with 50% of any proceeds going towards charity.